Nerdly Training

12:52 PM

Earlier this week I delved into the word of nerd assisted training. I went for a VO2max test and was told, rather surprisingly, that I am a fat burning machine have the profile of an ultramarathoner. Apparently getting out on some fine alpine adventures turns a person into a newbie runner. I've proven it with the marathon so perhaps the next step is a ironman or an ultra. In any case, I'm fully psyched to train with a HRM and try to increase my VO2max.
My test results showed that my zone 1 HR should be 146-154 which is a fair bit higher than I thought it would be. This morning I tried running at that HR but it felt too hard to maintain. Interestingly enough, when I walked briskly up a steep high it felt easier to maintain a HR of 155. Back on the flats it was purely labourious. Perhaps it's purely a sport specific adaptation to alpine approach plodding or maybe I'm a very inefficient runner.
While I'm psyched to train, I'm also feeling angst for my future work plans. Do I continue to make good money away from home or should I take the plunge to mere pittance in order to live constantly at home? Would I be stronger with two days off a week instead of working for 40 and taking 40 off? Hmmmm

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