
9:20 PM

since i've set some goals i've decided this might be a fine method of documentation. i'll note my accomplishments and my failures, keep track of various measurements and milestones. crossfitting will be a main attraction and climbing ramblings will follow.
my big toe and it's brother to the left are frostbitten and hindering my outdoor activity presently. i wrote the following just under a week ago:

as i lay in bed, unable to sleep during the wee hours of this morning due to uncomfortable pain, i reached a few conclusions.

1. marathons are easy.

2. self inflicted pain is stupid

3. frostbite sucks

that was after climbing striving for the moon on mt. temple. 36.5 hrs single push. i will look back fondly despite big blackie. it was a good route with great friends.
i made some tactical errors though: i tried to go too light on clothing. i mentally overcame the cold to my toes detriment. i should have carried more water.
conclusions: 1) long single push efforts will demand much more water than i will want to carry or drink. therefore, be sure to melt enough snow despite the lengthy melting time. 2) while melting you will get cold. therefore, despite the fact that you can get by with light warm layers on shorter routes, you will need a big puffy jacket and maybe even puffy pants. 3) eating nothing but cliff bars and cliff shots gets disgusting after ingesting 20 of each. therefore, take some other dense food such as landjaeger. 4) don't let mental strength lead to physical weakness

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